Ogbourne St Andrew Parish History Group

Ogbourne St Andrew, Maisey & Rockley
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A very successful Community Archaeology weekend was held on July 21 & 22nd 2018, when professional archaeologists and the History Group combined to not only to finish processing the finds from last year's dig but also involve the local community.  Poster displays by the History Group presented the story so far: the mediaeval agricultural complex next to the church; the history and importance of Poughcombe Farm; the wider geophysics surveys being carried out which have revealed a previously unknown ploughed-in barrow and much more.  A display of artefacts from a local garden showed what can be found next to your own doorstep.  In addition, Wessex Archaeology provided posters showing the wider application of archaeology, from identifying submergerd wrecks to the surveying of sites prior to development.

Karl Harrison from Cranfield University was on hand to oversee the cleaning, photographing and recording of the finds from last year's dig on the mediaeval agricultural complex next to the church, whilst Mike McQueen and John Samways demonstrated modern geophysics tools (magnetometry and resistivity).  Bob Clarke provided a series of talks on pottery as an aid to understanding and interpreting not only the artefacts but also the particular environment in which they had been used.  This was followed by hands-on sessions with real finds and brought to life by a simulated "dig" with items being examined as if they were coming out from an excavation.  Thus a Roman bath house was brought to life.

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February 2025
copyright Ogbourne St Andrew History Group 2025
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